These are my father’s aunts, Gnanapushpam, Gnanageetham, and Gnanasobanam, doing some handwork in a photo taken in the early 1900s. Below are the same women with an European missionary couple whose identity I do not know.

I love the kind of clothes they are wearing. If someone would design saree blouses like the ones they are wearing, I would start wearing sarees.

The first picture is from my father’s collection and the second is from that of cousin Deepak Anbunathan.

Recently, we started a family tree in Geni through which we have reestablished connections with some descendent’s of great aunt Gnanapushpam. Great aunt Gnanasobanam’s grandchildren Thiruselvam, Caleb, and Reuben are said to have emigrated to Canada. Maybe someone in that family will see this post and get in touch.

[Note from 30 Aug 2017, I came across a photo in this page of boarding-school students in Tanjore. I am sure I recognise the three sisters in that group.]